01949 837367

Local News Editorial Autumn 2024

Autumn with ProGrass

This is an important time as this is when we do any mechanical work and seeding that is required to prepare the lawns for 2025.  Autumn temperatures and the naturally damp, wet weather conditions are perfect for hollow tine aeration, scarification and overseeding using our seed disc drilling machines.  Our teams are currently working long hours to cope with the relatively short time window available to get all of this work done so if you would like any of these services booking in please get in touch.

Fertiliser wise we switch to products lower in nitrogen but with added nutrients such as iron in order to prevent moss sporing.  The Autumn treatment is, in our opinion, the most important one of the year as it not only controls the moss but also greens and strengthens the grass to cope with the extreme weather that Winter can bring.

Autumn with PowerPro

Autumn for your hard surfaces such as drives, paths and patios is all about health and safety as the weather conditions can create treacherous conditions and slips and trips over Winter is one of the most common outdoor accidents that occur.  A bit of forward thinking can certainly prevent an unnecessary long wait in A & E dealing with a nasty injury.

At Powerpro we can treat these surfaces either with a suitable product that is sprayed on or a pressure wash to not only remove the slippery moss, algae’s and lichens but both will also cosmetically improve the look.  We have also invested in a Westermann’s moss brush which is a machine with a giant spinning wire brush that is the perfect commercial piece of equipment to remove moss, dirt and debris form hard surfaces especially tarmac and block paving and it will also leave a nice finish.

If you would like to know more about any of the above services from either ProGrass or PowerPro please contact us for a free, no obligation visit for a quotation by phoning 01949 837367 or visit us on pro-grass.com or power-pro.co.uk.  Alternatively you can email us on info@pro-grass.com.